
“When we got to Winnipeg, I would say the biggest surprise was the positive influence that this trip has had on our culture within our organization and in seeing the new relationships being forged and seeing the strength in our team after we came back is something truly amazing.”
-Aaron Dorosh, Fort Group CPA

“Volunteering with Shine the Light, in the DR, has been a life changing experience for me. Having practiced as a registered nurse in the Canadian heath care system for almost 40 years, had me yearning for a more grassroots practise of nursing. Volunteering in a culture other than my own has been both facinating as well as rewarding, although at times difficult and demanding. I have had to realize that I cannot stamp out poverty but can help where I can, to alleviate suffering. I have been inspired by individuals surviving despite impossible odds.
At the end of the day, supporting local strengths and initiatives has alleviated much of the discontent I feel when I can not be present due to other competing life issues. Clearly, these mission trips are the most profoundly different thing I have done that has changed me into a more introspective human being that is choosing to make a difference.”
-Daria McLean
“The most profound realization that came to me, was that I was able to re-define what “poverty” means. I now see that, simply put, the “poor” are those without love in their lives, without support from their family, friends and neighbours and those without happiness. When you go to Agua Negra, the genuine feeling of love is overwhelming. When I returned home, somehow big homes, fancy cars and the white picket fence became just symbols…I couldn’t help but question which of the two worlds were better off.
A second realization was what was brought to our group’s attention on Day 3 by a young local girl. She suggested that perhaps we weren’t in Agua Negra just to build a house…maybe it was the house that was building us. How true that statement came to be…
My experience was life-changing and I can’t wait to go back in Jan. ’13! Thank-you Brent & Wendy and family for providing the opportunity to help make a difference in the lives of us all!”
-Marilyn Motlong
“The Shine the Light trip I went on was truly life changing for me. It was inspiring to be involved in a house build that made such a difference in one family’s life. It allowed me an opportunity to connect with people in way that’s just not done anymore in North America. I felt humbled and privileged to be a part of it. It was a wonderful experience.”
-Renee Barclay
“These trips have been a special blessing to me :) The locals are very welcoming and embrace you as family. Working together as a team and getting to know the rest of the group is also rewarding. Highly recommend this experience to everyone!”
-Dr. Cheryl Wong
“Its so hard to find words to fully describe how mission trips with Shine the Light have changed my life. I have met some of the most amazing people who have touched my life in so many incredible ways. Its interesting, our intention is to go to the the Dominican to serve and bless the people there but what I learn and take back from each trip is a return of tenfold. These mission trips are an incredible opportunity to share the gifts you have been blessed with as well as create new, lasting relationships that have been built with all of the tools that matter. I have seen kindness, generosity and love in a new light, I will always carry this with me, and i will forever be changed.”
-Becky Feenstra
“When I was asked why I was going to the Dominican Republic with Shine The Light, I said that I wanted to see how other people live. I got my wish. In just one week I saw strange new things – poverty combined with brightest colour, sunshine on dark skin, hearts opening in a gated community, and a neighbourhood blooming out of discarded things. The experience dilated my senses and coaxed me into deeper awareness of some of the other people on my planet. I got to know and work and play with like-willed adventurers, tourists resolved to make their getaway a “get-into.” Travellers who thought about their destination as someone’s home, something to regard with love. Fun, tough, and worth it!”
-David Wiebe
“My trips with Shine the Light have brought me face-to-face with people and situations that I would never have had occasion to experience before. They have allowed me to put faces, names and personalities to an ethereal mass that I might have referred to as “poor people”. Through them I have learned that they are perhaps only poor in the measurements that we think are important. They are certainly rich in the measurements that I now understand are the ones that can make and complete one’s life.”
-Bill Benham